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SolarBots: Cosmic Explorers

SKU: 665083
Product Description

Build five out-of-this-world robots that are powered by the sun — batteries not required! First assemble the main robot, Helio, complete with solar panel, electric motor, and gear wheel. Then construct four space exploration vehicles to help Helio travel around the universe. As you quickly move Helio from one vehicle to another, the gears click into place, and the compact solar panel instantly begins converting sunlight into electricity, which powers the electric motor.

Build a walking bot that marches along on two legs, a bug bot that crawls on six legs, a trike bot that rolls around on three wheels, and a sleek orbiting platform. Each model demonstrates how solar power can be used to make different mechanisms move. The 36-page, full-color manual guides solar power pioneers through model assembly and offers fun scientific facts about the real-life applications of solar technology. Where will the sunlight take your cosmic explorers next?

Product Information

Ages: 6+ with Help / 9+ I got this!
Experiments: 5
Piece Count: 123
Manual Pages: 36
Product Dimensions: 10 x 11 x 2.5 in.
Product Weight: 1 lb
Manual Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.3 in.
Batteries Required: N/A
Country of Origin: Taiwan
Year Released: 2025


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