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Kids First Biology Lab v2

SKU: 635214
Product Description

Discover the science of living things with this complete introductory microscope kit. The beautifully illustrated experiment manual guides you through observations of many living specimens found in and around your home: onion cells, pond water, chloroplasts, plant stem cross sections, microorganisms, mouth cells, meat cells, different types of hair and fur, dust mites, bugs, pollen in honey, and much more.

See how an onion cell shrivels and how an paramecium wiggles. Analyze the differences between the hair on your head and the sheep’s hair in your wool sweater. The kit includes slides, cover slips, and many helpful tools. Learn how to use these tools to prepare slides and how to use the microscope to examine them.

Investigate how the lenses in a microscope bend light to magnify images. When the ocular lens, or eyepiece lens, works together with the three objective lenses, the result is a total magnification power of 60x, 150x, or 600x. The microscope has a battery-powered light to light up the specimens. The full-color, 32-page manual covers microscope setup, usage, and many fascinating observations of biological specimens.

Discover the science of living things with this complete introductory microscope kit. The beautifully illustrated experiment manual guides you through observations of many living specimens found in and around your home: onion cells, pond water, chloroplasts, plant stem cross sections, microorganisms, mouth cells, meat cells, different types of hair and fur, dust mites, bugs, pollen in honey, and much more.

See how an onion cell shrivels and how an paramecium wiggles. Analyze the differences between the hair on your head and the sheep’s hair in your wool sweater.

The kit includes slides, cover slips, and many helpful tools. Learn how to use these tools to prepare slides and how to use the microscope to examine them. Investigate how the lenses in a microscope bend light to magnify images.

When the ocular lens, or eyepiece lens, works together with the three objective lenses, the result is a total magnification power of 60x, 150x, or 600x. The microscope has a battery-powered light to light up the specimens. The full-color, 32-page manual covers microscope setup, usage, and many fascinating observations of biological specimens.

Product Information

Ages: 8+
Experiments: 11
Piece Count: 13
Manual Pages: 32
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 12.5 x 4.9 in.
Product Weight: 1.5 lbs
Manual Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.25 in.
Batteries Required: 2 AA
Country of Origin: China
Year Released: 2020

NGSS Correlations

2-LS4-1 Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems
3-LS1-1 Inheritance and Variation of Traits: Life Cycles and Traits
4-LS1-1 Structure, Function, and Information Processing
MS-LS1-1 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
MS-LS1-2 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
MS-LS1-3 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
MS-LS1-6 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes


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