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My Robotic Pet - Tumbling Hedgehog

SKU: 620500
Product Description

Build your own adorable robotic pet hedgehog! With the 172 building pieces in this kit, you can assemble a real robot that looks like a cute hedgehog. The robot has a built-in sound sensor and is programmed to react to different sounds. After you build it, you can play with it by making different sounds and watching it tumble, roll, spin around, bristle its spines, and scurry around. Clap once, and the hedgehog will roll into a ball and tumble backwards. Clap multiple times, and the hedgehog will count your claps and tumble as many times as you instructed with your claps. You can also get the hedgehog to bristle its spines and act in a playful way with different patterns of claps. The hedgehog’s eyes light up with LEDs. By building the robot, you will gain experience in the inner mechanical workings that enable the robot to move how it does. Learn about gears, motors, sound sensors, LEDs, and the other components of these funny little pet.

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Product Information

Ages: 7-14
Experiments: 5
Piece Count: 172
Manual Pages: 40
Product Dimensions: 10 x 13 x 4.7 in.
Product Weight: 1.7 lbs
Manual Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.25 in.
Batteries Required: AAA (4) 
Country of Origin: Taiwan 
Year Released: 2019


2019 – ASTRA Best Toys for Kids Winner (Science & Discovery category)
The Toy Insider's 2019 STEM 10 List
2020 - Toy of the Year finalist (Construction Toy category)

NGSS Correlations

3-PS2-1 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interaction
3-PS2-2 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interaction
4-PS3-2 Energy
4-PS4-3 Waves and Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer


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