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Candy Claw Engineering - Arcade Game Maker Lab

SKU: 550103
Product Description

Step right up and try your luck! Do you have what it takes to grab a claw-full of candy with the Candy Claw Machine? Experiment to develop your motor skills and engineering chops to conquer this awesome STEM challenge.

Build a working model of the classic claw machine — that enticing, sometimes frustrating, and always fun arcade game in which you try to grab prizes from inside the machine with a remote-controlled claw in a limited amount of time. Cranks, gears, and belts move the claw arm left and right, and forward and back. Hydraulic levers move the arm up and down, and open and close the claw. A spring-loaded trap door shoots the collected candy out at you if you manage to succeed.

Time yourself or your friends and see if you can retrieve a specific object in a given amount of time. No batteries or electricity are required — it uses only the power of your hand and the mechanical advantage of the machines built into the device. Choose from three different claw shapes (cool nerdy roboticists call these “end effectors”) and find the one that works best to pick up a particular candy or prize. Learn how the gears, levers, belt, screws, hydraulics, linkages, cranks, and claws all work together to pick up, move, and drop prizes. Experiment with different gear ratios to speed up or power up your claw.

Packed with 6 lollipops (Saf-T-Pops) and decoys (fake candy boxes), you can also fill it with whatever small candies, toys, or other small objects you like. The game itself is great for honing dexterity skills and hand-eye coordination. An innovative take on a robotic arm with something really worth grabbing!

+ Build your own arcade-style claw machine that grabs lollipops and decoy candy boxes (both included).

+ Experiment with three different types of claws (pincher, scoop, and three-pronged).

+ Learn about hydraulics, levers, gears, belts, linkages, end effectors, and more.

+ Fun, gamified approach to engineering lessons with a sweet candy reward

+ Refill your machine with your own treats and prizes for long-lasting fun.

Helpful Videos & Links

Candy Claw Machine: Help with Assembly

Product Information

Ages: 8-14+ 
Experiments: 10
Piece Count: 113
Manual Pages: 16
Product Dimensions: 13 x 11.5 x 3.5 in.
Product Weight: 2.3 lbs
Manual Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.25 in.
Batteries Required: N/A
Country of Origin: China
Year Released: 2021

Product Nutrition Information
Candy Claw Engineering - Arcade Game Maker Lab Nutritonal Info
NGSS Correlations

K-2-ETS1-1 Engineering Design
K-2-ETS1-2 Engineering Design
K-2-ETS1-3 Engineering Design
3-5-ETS1-1 Engineering Design
3-5-ETS1-2 Engineering Design
3-5-ETS1-3 Engineering Design
3-PS2-2 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions
MS-ETS1-1 Engineering Design
MS-ETS1-2 Engineering Design


2022 STEAM Toy of the Year finalist

2021 Toy Insider's STEM 10 List

The Toy Association and Clamour's Best of Holiday 2021 Influencer Choice List


See back cover of manual for edition number

Download Manual (PDF) - 6th Edition
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- 5th Edition
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- 4th Edition
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